Leadership 360
Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders combines the best of Leadership 360 feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC®. Wiley has developed a unique and insightful tool to help leaders be more effective. Using a powerful combination of the DiSC framework, and a well researched leadership model with eight leadership approaches presents a practical assessment of a leader’s ability to move outside their normal “Range of motion”. We all tend to be good at certain leadership approaches and will sometimes favour those styles at the expense of other approaches. The Wiley Leadership 360 compares the leader’s natural style preferences to those qualities observed by raters to provide a complete picture of how a leader is experienced by those around them.
The report is comprehensive without being overwhelming. It includes an action plan with three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness, helping a leader to incorporate specific elements into their personal development plans. The result is a leadership 360° experience that’s more productive and satisfying.
Wiley’s 360 uses “CommentSmart”, an innovative and exclusive selectable comment feature where raters choose from pre-written, highly-tested comments, giving feedback that’s focused, balanced, and constructive. The major criticism of other 360° feedback tools is overcome with “CommentSmart… no more rambling or destructive open comment feedback. Clear visuals and a conversational narrative style make the profile easier to use and understand. In our experience, the Wiley 360 is the best instrument to raise leadership awareness and is the tool of choice for leadership coaching.